Songs About Having a Baby on the Way

Dec 31st, 2021

There has never been a debate about the good that music brings to a person's life. From being a hobby to being a therapy, music does it all. In one way or another music is appealing to a person at every stage of his life. Music has the key element that every literary mastermind strives for i.e universality. The release of dopamine-induced due to something so abstract is a matter of extreme significance.

This phenomenon of happiness in all forms is exactly what "pregnancy" exemplifies. In all ages, times, and differences, the birth of a baby is considered an extremely wonderful occurrence. Parenthood is never easy but the joy it brings is unmatched. The thought of relating something so burdening to something so fulfilling seems an arduous task indeed. WB Yeats was a prime instigator of this belief that no happiness exists without pain, and his words hold true especially in this aspect.

This list includes songs that belong to various genres but none of them fail to highlight the magnificence of the natural phenomena of pregnancy and having a baby. Music can bring joy to a person much like a child that is the most beloved thing in the world by his parents even before they see him or her. These songs and the words they present best epitomize that wonderfully sublime gift that parents are granted with i.e their child.

"With Arms Wide Open" by Creed

In their song "With arms wide open", the globally renowned rock band "Creed" has beautifully encapsulated the plethora of emotions that a father feels when he learns that he has been chosen by the Lord to be blessed with a child. When the news of having a son hits him, he is absorbed into an abyss of prayers as well as tears pertaining to what his son means to him. He visualizes all that he wants to do with and for his son. He has an ambitious hope that his child will be one with a curious soul that wants to learn what this world is all about. Creed has depicted that a father fears no obstacle or hurdle when it comes to him working towards giving his son a better life. This shows the basic element of parenthood i.e unwavering love.

"I Saw God Today" by George Strait

"I Saw God Today" is praise for the miracles that God performs for humans in the form of childbirth. As soon as a child enters his world, his father becomes a man whose perception of the entire world has changed, and from then onwards his sole focus in life is this magnificent little being. The lyrics performed by George Strait is a story of a man who has just become a father after supporting his wife in an arduous process of childbirth and afterward, sitting around in a coffee shop he experiences the epiphany that God does exist and the proof is the miracle i.e his daughter that is unscathed and brand new to this world.

"A Mother's Prayer" by Celine Dion

Celine Dion, most famously known for her love songs such as "My Heart will go on" has altered her subject of love in her song "A Mother's Prayer". She has incorporated the mother's love in her words that come out as prayers for her daughter. In these verses, a mother prays to her Lord to keep her child safe and guide her to safety with his grace shadowing over her at all times. The sounds of little girls playing in the background epitomize the joys that children bring to their parents. A mother's soul does not allow her to sleep at night knowing that her child has not returned home yet. This is the bond under discussion, something so magnificent that humans have no control over it and they are a slave to this soft, tender, unblemished love for their children.

"Papa Don't Preach" by Madonna

Madonna is known all over the globe for her iconic performances and music, but the most touching of her songs is inarguable "Papa don't preach". The pop icon gave the world a legendary song not just due to the music and dance but the message it brought. The chronicles of a teenage mother who falls for a bratty guy and ends up getting pregnant despite her father's warnings. The song puts into words her apology and cries towards her father that he must not lose love for her, but not for even a second does she consider giving up her child. Faced with second-guessing her father, she stands strong in her decision of having the baby but wants him to guide her and support her in her decision. Nearing the end of the song it is depicted that no matter what happens, a father can never shy away from his children and that is the case here as he is seen walking up to his daughter and holding her hand as if to comfort her.

"Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder

The commons misconception when it comes to "Isn't she lovely" by Stevie Wonder is that it is written to a lover. However, this song's true purpose is to depict the emotions of a father that is looking at her newborn daughter. In an amazing chorus that repeats "Isn't she lovely" Stevie Wonder puts into words that when looking at his newborn daughter, a father feels nothing short of amazed and bamboozled by the divine creation that is his daughter. This everyday miracle that is now a part of his life amazes him to a point that he has no words left to speak, just emotions to comprehend.No matter how great a man, he always feels humbled by God when he witnesses this miracle of childbirth.

"All-American Girl" by Carrie Underwood

As a subject of appreciation for many teenagers throughout the world, the 2000s belonged to Carrie Underwood that sang simple yet strong songs that appealed to her audience exquisitely. In her "All-American girl" she initiates by highlighting the global preference of a baby boy over a girl. However, this country song tells of a father that is praying for a baby boy but all his perceptions and ideas are thrown out of the window as soon as he lays eyes on his daughter. As soon as this happened, she became the sole center of his whole world and he is wrapped around her finger as if to do her bidding whenever she pleases. His heart belongs to this tiny little being that just entered his life and he has no doubts in his mind that she will always have him by her side.

"Babyfather" by Sade

"Babyfather" by Sade is a message by a mother to her unborn baby that she is coming to a world that is going to be her oyster. The song opens up with her adventure of how she met his father and that he would turn the world upside down to find her if she ever got lost. His love for her is immaculate and she goes as far as to say that he is troops standing by in case anyone tries to harm or disturb his little baby. She proclaims that just as life and death are certain, so is her father's love. It will remain throughout her life and guide her in every way possible and he is never going to let her go to a place where she feels lost or unloved. She cannot even begin to fathom how much love he has in store for her.

"It Takes a Man" by Chris Young

"It takes a man" by Chris Young symbolizes that many teenagers face when they realize the consequences of their actions leading to pregnancy. Pregnancy is a wonderful phenomenon but that does not change the fact that is very scary, especially for a teenage girl. As she breaks the news to the father of the baby, she goes on to inform him that she is keeping it regardless of his decision. Deep down she is hoping for reassurance on his part but he remains silent leading her to be timid and unsure. What she fails to realize is the epiphany that he is experiencing that it takes a man to raise a child. He questions his own being that he himself is an irresponsible boy and the idea of a human completely relying on him till he expires is baffling to him. He remains unsure and thus, is unable to give a full-fledged answer to his desperate partner who as it seems, is going to have to deal with this alone.

"It Won't Be like This for Long" by Darius Rucker

Darius Rucker, a famous country musician changed his tone to a sentimental version in his song "It won't be like this for long". He focuses on delivering a strong message in his song that timelines the hypothetical life of a newborn daughter that is currently keeping her parents awake during the night. The loving father that is relying on caffeine to keep his newborn girl company shares a kiss with his wife as they hypothesize that this is all going to pass in a week or two and she will grow up so suddenly that they will be laughing at the dark circles around their eyes. They fantasize how she'll be all grown going to school, college, and having a life of her own and they won't even realize it so they need to never take her for granted. This theme of reassurance and love is the main attraction of this melodious song.

"You're Gonna Be" by Reba McEntire

Life has this unimitable quality of uncertainty that it possesses at every facet. "You're gonna be" by Reba McEntire highlights a mother's message to her daughter that life is never exactly fair and it certainly is not something that can be predicted. She promises that even though life has no guarantee, she can guarantee that her daughter will always be loved by her. She further explains that even as a mother she does not have all the answers to the problems of this world, but she will try her level best to always provide the unconditional love and support that her daughter deserves and it will never fall short.

Three Hearts" by Alex Clare

Moving on from the themes of uncertainty and the fright that impending parents face, this song "Three Hearts" by Alex Clare highlights the magnificent journey of a man who found the love of his life and is now looking forward to bringing into this world a new life. His happiness cannot be constricted into words as he is extremely excited to live under the same roof as his wife and child while his bills are paid, his fridge completely stuffed with necessities for all three of them. The prospects of having a happy and healthy family bring him unmatched joy and excitement. He recalls the time when he was living off of minimum wage but now that he is blessed with material things, he wishes to expand his family and add to his joys and live a happy and sated life.

This list has incorporated in it songs starting from pregnancy, encapsulating childbirth, and visualizing the lives of these unborn children. Much like with many other aspects of life, uncertainty is what makes childbirth so special. Not knowing what the future holds, but the hopeful eyes of parents always pray for the best and promise infinite love to their children. The songs placed in this list cover every facet of life pertaining to childbirth, raising a baby, the uncertainties, the doubts, and the unfathomable joys.

If you want to realize the love your parents have for you or how you would want to be as a parent, this list is perfect for you as it encapsulates all of that and so much more that can make you feel a certain type of way.


Sandie P.

Another fantastic sale. I'm very satisfied! Thanks again.


Everett G.

Seller has the most incredible beat I have ever heard. Very easy to browse!


Andy C.

This producer/DJ is a freaking BEAST! I wasn't expecting something so great at such reasonable price!


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Songs About Having a Baby on the Way


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