Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Riku Easy


Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories provides three different difficulty modes: Beginner, Standard, and Proud. Below is some information on how the game is different based on the difficulty mode you select.

There are no secret endings.


  • Enemy HP is at 75%
  • Enemies deal 80% damage
  • The Random Joker card has a 4% base chance to drop


  • Enemy HP is normal
  • Enemies deal normal damage
  • The Random Joker card has a 1.3% base chance to drop


  • Enemy HP is normal
  • Enemies deal 120% damage
  • The Random Joker card has a 0.7% base chance to drop


As with other Action RPGs, Sora gathers experience points from fighting enemies and uses them the level up, increasing his combat capabilities. While this in many ways functions like most other games, there are a few differences that are better off being explained.

Experience Gems

Experience is not awarded directly to Sora and Riku upon defeating an enemy. Instead, each Heartless drops a number of gems, most often sapphires and rubies, with the occasional pearl thrown in from bosses. You need to actively pick these gems up in order to earn the experience. They only stay on the field for a short amount of time, which means it is possible to not earn experience from enemies if you aren't keeping an eye on the battle.

There are two ways to mitigate this potential loss of experience. At the end of battle, all experience gems on screen will automatically move to you, regardless of distance. If your battle strategy is quick, you won't need to move around, and can simply rake in experience. You can also use the Bouncywild Enemy Card, which increases the range at which you can grab the gems.

Unlike every other game in the series, Re: Chain of Memories does not apply predetermined bonuses when Sora levels up. Instead, you are given three options to pick from: Max HP, Max CP, and Sleights. By reaching level 99, Sora can max out all three of his stats.


Max HP

Choosing this option increases Sora's HP by 15. He starts with a value of 80, and caps out at 560. That means you can only pick the increase to HP 32 times before it is no longer an option.

Max CP

CP, or Card Points, determines how many cards Sora can put in his decks. Each card has a base cost and the higher value versions of each card increase that cost. The CP limit starts at 275, and caps out at 1560.


At certain levels, Sora is offered the opportunity to learn a new sleight, a powerful combo that is stronger than his basic 3-hit combo. A new sleight is available at level 2, and every five levels thereafter (2, 7, 12, 17, etc.). Sora learns the final sleight at level 52.

Learning every Sleight as Sora will unlock an Achievement. More on this in the Re:CoM Sora's Sleights page later on in the walkthrough.

Leveling Guide

Choosing what to pick on each level can be a bit daunting. Each option is usually a good one, at least until the late game. I recommend the following outline for leveling Sora:

Sleights > CP > HP

Picking a new sleight each time it becomes available increases Sora's versatility in combat, and many of the late game Sleights are extremely powerful. Increasing CP allows you to actually use those Sleights. With a good deck, you should be able to avoid most damage, making HP increases the least useful.

Regarding Proud Mode, I recommend adjusting your priorities to CP > HP > Sleights. Building a large, strong deck as quickly as possible is crucial in this higher difficulty. If there is a specific sleight you want to use in Proud Mode, wait until Sora is closer to the appropriate level, then start picking sleights until it unlocks.
When I ran through on Proud Mode, I picked CP every time until Sora reached level 30, which gave me 1000 CP. From there I picked HP until 200 before starting to unlock sleights.


Riku behaves a bit differently regarding his level up rewards. His options are HP, AP, or DP. As with Sora, getting Riku to level 99 will max out all three of his leveling options.

Max HP

This works identically to Sora's HP. It starts at 80, and maxes out at 560.

Max AP

Since Riku does not have the opportunity to edit his decks, you cannot increase his strength by using high-value cards. Additionally, he only has a handful of sleights, and does not learn more as the game progresses. Instead of increasing the capacity of his decks with Card Points, you can directly increase Riku's strength by leveling his Attack Power on level up. AP increases appear at level 2, and every 3 levels afterwards (2, 5, 8, 11, etc.). Riku's AP caps out at 30.

Max DP

Dark Points are unlocked as a level up option after completing the events on B12F at the beginning of Reverse/Rebirth. As Riku performs certain actions in battle, his DP meter will rise. When it reaches 30, he enters Dark Mode, giving him increased attack, speed, and allows him to use stronger versions of his sleights. The amount of time Riku can spend in Dark Mode is directly related to the amount of DP he has. This value starts at 10, and increases by 2 points with each level up chosen, to a maximum of 99.

Leveling Guide

Without exception, you want to increase Attack Power every time it is available. It is the only way to increase Riku's combat effectiveness. Thankfully, each AP increase is immediately noticeable in battle. I recommend the following outlines for leveling Riku:

AP > HP > DP

AP > HP = DP

Whether or not to increase HP or DP is entirely up to you. I played through Riku's story on Proud, and found that leveling HP was far more important than DP.

Unlocking the last AP increase for Riku will unlock an Achievement.

Level 99

The level cap for Sora and Riku is 99, and this can be an incredibly long task. It is much easier for Sora, as his Worlds are significantly larger than Riku's and if you are trying to get all the Achievements, you won't be running from battles. Sora was level 82 when I finished his story, while Riku was only level 55.

In addition, you will most certainly need to spend time as Sora trying to get Enemy Cards, which can at least partially keep your attention. Riku has no such luck, which means you simply need to grind out experience at the highest level of Castle Oblivion to get him to the final level.

Leveling Sora

There are two locations to look at when leveling Sora to 99: Destiny Islands, and Castle Oblivion.

Castle Oblivion provides the strongest enemies, and they drop the most experience. The wide variety of Heartless, however, means you can't just spam a single high-power sleight. The various mage enemies resist or heal from magic, and all the flying enemies mean several sleights simply don't hit them. Use the Bouncywild Enemy Card to ensure you get all the experience from each fight.

Destiny Islands, on the other hand, is incredibly quick. Using the Mega Flare sleight (Mushu + Fire + Fire) kills most enemies in one go. Combine this with the Red Nocturne Enemy Card to one-shot everything. You should only need two, maybe three Mega Flares per battle.

Attaining level 99 as Sora unlocks an Achievement.

Leveling Riku

There is only one location worth visiting to level up Riku, and that is Castle Oblivion.

As it was with Sora, the strongest enemies - and the most experience - comes from the enemies on the final floor, B1F. Warp to the B1F Entrance Hall, then head down in Twilight Town in B2F. Use a Roulette Room, and pick as many Martial Waking cards as you can, picking as many values as possible. When you have a large group of cards, return to B1F and start synthesizing rooms.

Martial Waking cards are important, as they increase the value of Riku's battle cards. This provides you with almost a dozen 9 value cards, which are necessary to use Riku's Dark Aura sleight. A combination of Dark Aura (9 + 9 + 9) and Inverse Burst (The King + attack + attack) will quickly clear each room.

At the start of each battle, use the 9 value cards to card break enemies and enter Dark Mode. After the deck is reloaded, spam sleights and grab experience.

Attaining level 99 as Riku unlocks an Achievement.

Deck Building

Learning how to build a proper deck is essential to playing through Re: Chain of Memories. As you (as Sora) ascend the 13 Floors of Castle Oblivion, you gain a wide variety of cards and sleights to use them. Note that Riku does not have the opportunity to edit his deck.

In general, it is a good idea to establish the following three decks:

NO. 1

Build this deck to take care of the average Heartless enemies you fight. Powerful sleights like Blizzaga and Sonic Blade are ideal for the majority of the game, but should be replaced with sleights like Mega Flare and Magnet Spiral on higher floors.

My final deck in this slot was 10 Blizzagas, four Sonic Blades, a Curaga, two Hi-Potions, and a Blue Rhapsody Enemy Card.

NO. 2

This deck is designed to take out single enemies, who are often bosses. Firaga is extremely useful for the entire game, but other combinations like Jafar-Genie with Lethal Frame or Ars Arcanum at the end of the game can be just as powerful, if not more so.

My final deck in this slot was 17 Firagas, a whole bunch of 7, 8, 9, and 0 value attack cards (no specific sleights here, they are here to break boss sleights), three Curagas, and a Red Nocturne Enemy Card.

NO. 3

Deck NO. 3 should be your test deck on early floors. Any time you learn a new sleight, set it up in this deck and try it out on some Heartless. Mix up different sleights to see how they work in concert. I am a rather big fan of Tornado or Magnet Spiral followed by Quake.

My final deck in this slot was two Tornado/Quake combos, two Mega Flares, a handful of Proud Roar LV3s (although they weren't that effective), and some Reflect Raids. The last card is the Bouncywild Enemy Card.

The first time you edit a deck, you will get an Achievement.

Editing a deck 500 times will earn you another Achievement. This one is a bit misleading, however. Making 50 edits and then backing out only counts as one edit. Starting at the main menu, select the Review Decks option, add or remove one single card from a deck, then back out all the way to the main menu. Do this a total of 500 times (minus edits made through normal gameplay) to unlock the Achievement.

Collecting New Cards

There are several ways to get new cards to fill out Sora's deck. Sora can purchase cards from the Moogles as early as 2F, and they appear somewhat frequently from treasure spots. Some cards are unlocked by opening chests in Bounty Rooms, and others are only available in the Room of Rewards.

With the exception of some Attack Cards that are only available on certain floors, once Sora unlocks a card it can appear in any treasure spot. If you want to farm for certain cards, it is recommended to do so as soon as you unlock it to keep the chance of it appearing as high as possible.

Speaking of unique cards, every floor in Castle Oblivion (with the exception of 100 Acre Wood) has some hidden chests. Beginning on 2F, Sora can find the Calm Bounty Map Card. Synthesize a room with one of these cards to find a chest that holds a unique card. Once Sora reaches 7F, two more Bounty style cards begin to appear: False Bounty and Guarded Bounty. Also beginning on 7F, the Key to Rewards Map Card begins appearing. There is one Room of Rewards on every floor (again, excepting 100 Acre Wood) and it holds a rare chest. Note that Sora can only hold one Key to Rewards at a time, so don't hold on to it for too long.

Each Room of Rewards has a second, hidden chest that only appears if you have seen all the content from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days that is available in this compilation. You need to watch every scene, then view every entry in Roxas' Journal and the Characters section.

Opening a total of 10 Bounty or Rewards rooms will unlock an Achievement.

Attack, Magic, Item, and Summon Cards are all classified as "Battle Cards," and when Sora gains his 300th Battle Card, an Achievement will unlock.

There is an extremely rare chance that, instead of a Map Card, a Premium Token will drop at the end of a battle. This can be increased to an almost 100% chance by synthesizing a Premium Room. When picked up, a Premium Token will bring up a quickly spinning wheel featuring every card in Sora's currently equipped deck. Picking a card will upgrade it to Premium status. Note that you can press cn_B to back out of this menu without upgrading a card.

After upgrading 20 cards to Premium status will unlock an Achievement.

Combat Tips

One of the first tips you receive in-game is to strike enemies on the field of battle before instigating the fight. The primary benefit to this is that the first wave of enemies will be stunned, allowing Sora and Riku the opportunity to use Enemy Cards, or get into a better position for sleights, without having to worry about enemies moving out of the way. Map Cards like Lasting Daze and Strong Initiative give additional benefits when this action is taken.

Striking enemies with the Keyblade on the field map, before entering battle, a grand total of 150 times unlocks an Achievement.


Strike an enemy before entering battle 150 times.


1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player Cumulative +

Sora and Riku do not have a traditional Guard ability in Chain of Memories. Instead, they make use of a mechanic known as a Card Break. When a Heartless plays an attack card, Sora or Riku can play their own card with an equal or higher value to "break" the card. This is actually better than a guard or block, as it cancels the foe's attack animation. Heartless can do this to Sora and Riku as well, so it is important to learn the values of enemy cards, and break them with higher values or stocked cards.

Successfully breaking 1,500 enemy cards as Sora and Riku unlocks an Achievement.

Magic does not work the same way in Chain of Memories as it does in Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, or 3. Instead of using MP to cast any spell Sora knows, he instead must use the proper Magic Card. The spells are the same as in Kingdom Hearts 1, and are awarded in hidden chests and story events. Stocking two of any Magic Card will cast the second level, and stocking three will cast the highest. (Fire + Fire = Fira, Cure + Cure + Cure = Curaga, etc.). Magic Cards are only available while playing as Sora.

Use any Cure card or sleight while Sora has less than 5% health unlocks an Achievement.

Card Duels

Playing as Riku is almost identical to playing as Sora. His decks are pre-determined for each World, which can provide some problems, and he has access to significantly fewer sleights, but everything else is the same.

The big change, and the mechanic you want to abuse, is Card Duels. If you Card Break an enemy's card with the same value, Riku enters duel mode. A series of enemy cards will appear on the bottom of the screen, with various values. Depending on the enemy, you will see 3, 5, or 7 cards appear. You need to have Riku use cards of equal or higher values to break these cards within a set time limit. These cards are always the same for each enemy.

Card Duels are, in many cases, the best or only way to defeat some of the bosses in Riku's Tale. In many cases it will be useful for you to use the first attempt at a boss simply to figure out what cards they require to be broken, then do a second attempt afterwards. Knowing ahead of time what cards to save can help get through the duels faster.

Successfully winning a Card Duel gives Riku Darkness Points, which contributes to entering Dark Mode.

Winning 100 duels earns an Achievement.

Dark Mode

Activating Dark Mode changes Riku into the outfit he wore at the end of Kingdom Hearts 1, and the outfit that Riku Replica wears throughout Sora's Story. In this mode, Riku's abilities are increased, and he gains access to "Dark" versions of his sleights. These are far more powerful in every way.

Exploration Tips

The key to progressing through each floor in Castle Oblivion is synthesizing rooms. Sora and Riku earn a Map Card after every battle, and can hold a total of 99. Once at that limit, no more Map Cards will drop. They come in four varieties: Red, Blue, Green, and Special (represented by an !).

The Red, Blue, and Green Map Cards alter the appearance, size, strength, and number of enemy encounters within each room. Teeming Darkness cards feature large rooms with many battles, while Sleeping Darkness creates a small room with enemies that are asleep. Meeting Ground cards increase the likelihood of Friend Cards appearing, while Martial Waking cards increase the value of attack cards that Sora and Riku have equipped in their decks.

Synthesizing rooms is not as simple as using a Map Card, however. Regular rooms require a higher value of Map Card than the previous. For example, let's say you create a room with a 2 value Teeming Darkness card. The door to the next room will require you to spend a Map Card with a minimum value of 3. Using higher value cards is allowed, but that increases the value of subsequent rooms. Using a 4 value card on a 3 value door will require you to spend a 5 value card on the next door. This increases all the way to 9 value, after which you must use a 0 value card to reset the requirements.

Speaking of 0 value cards, they can be used to open any door that does not have an additional requirement. For example, some doors (often ones that lead to story rooms) may require a more specific value that a 0 card cannot replicate.

A door that shows 5= with a green border means you can only open it with a Green Map Card with a value of 5. Others will have 3< or 7>, requiring lower than 3 or greater than 7, respectively. The color of the card is also important, so make sure you have a variety of colors and values at all times.

Creating 300 different rooms, as Sora and Riku, unlocks an Achievement.

Each World features a variety of Treasure Spots. These are interactable objects on the overworld that drop a variety of, well, treasures. Treasure Spots take a variety of appearances, but are easily recognizable by the target symbol that appears on them as you get close to them.

For Sora, Treasure Spots have a chance to drop HP orbs, Moogle Point orbs, and cards. Riku's Treasure Spots only drop HP orbs.

Moogle Points, or MP, are unique to Chain of Memories. They are red orbs that take the place of the munny seen in other games. Beginning on 2F, Sora can use a Moogle Room Map Card to find a Moogle Shop, where he can spend MP to purchase and sell cards. MP is also available in battle, but only by using the Aladdin Friend Card while in Agrabah.

If Sora manages to hold on to 10,000 MP at the same time, you will unlock an Achievement. If this achievement is eluding you, and you are near the end of the game, simply save your game, then sell all your battle cards until the Achievement unlocks, then reload the previous save.

There is another Achievement available if Sora spends a total of 20,000 MP at Moogle Rooms. The quickest way to unlock this is to save, then synthesize Moogle Rooms on 13F, and purchase all the card packs available. If more MP is needed, sell all the battle cards you have, including those you just purchased, and continue purchasing card packs until the Achievement unlocks. Reload the old save to continue playing with all your cards.

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